Politics Audiobooks

Get an insider’s look at world events and powerful political players with Everand’s astute collection of newly released and bestselling politics audiobooks. Listen to experts, influencers, and scholars examine the machinations and movements of politicians in America and on the world stage. Find a fascinating new political audiobook today.

Get an insider’s look at world events and powerful political players with Everand’s astute collection of newly released and bestselling politics audiobooks. Listen to experts, influencers, and scholars examine the machinations and movements of politicians in America and on the world stage. Find a fascinating new political audiobook today.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy audiobooks you don't want to miss.
The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump
The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump
The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump
The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump

The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump

byClay Cane

GRIFTER [grif-ter] noun 1. a con or scam artist, a hustler or a sell-out After the Civil War, the pillars of Black Republicanism were a balanced critique of both political parties, civil rights for all Americans, reinventing an economy based on exploitation, and, most importantly, building thriving Black communities. How did Black Republicanism devolve from revolutionaries like Frederick Douglass to the puppets in the Trump era? Whether it’s radical conservatives like South Carolina Senator Tim Scott or Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, they are consistently viral news and continuously uphold egregious laws at the expense of their Black brethren. Part history and part cultural analysis, The Grift chronicles the nuanced history of Black Republicans. Clay Cane lays out how Black Republicanism has been mangled by opportunists who are apologists for racism. Black faces in high places providing cover for explicit bigotry is one of the greatest threats to the liberation of Black and brown people. By studying these figures and their tactics, Cane exposes the grift and lays out a plan to emancipate our future.

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About Politics

Get ready for some new releases and bestselling political audiobooks that should really be on your must-listen list. Nearly every single facet of our lives, from our education and healthcare to our laws and finances, is influenced and dependent on the political systems that rule and the leaders we elect. Regardless of where you’re at on the political spectrum, it’s easier to become engaged and informed when you know more. So much so that, in a way, our civic duty begins with listening. So, whether you’re a newbie in certain politics and need to learn more, or you’re a curious political pro, our political audiobooks are nonfiction creations that throw a spotlight on all parts of our democratic processes and those of the world around us. Political audiobooks give us enlightening glimpses into how the world’s governments, monarchies, political scandals, and military strategy really work. Political texts often enlighten the public on the strategy behind specific political moves and lighten the dark corners of politics we don't often see. Lastly, if you’re fascinated by topics like international relations, political ideologies, globalization, geopolitics, and political history, we carry an extensive array of related audiobooks that dig into and expose all of those subjects and more. Many of the most fascinating bestsellers are penned by many well-known political figures, analysts, and journalists. Learn more about these exciting topics and more by choosing from our selection of political audiobooks today.

Get ready for some new releases and bestselling political audiobooks that should really be on your must-listen list. Nearly every single facet of our lives, from our education and healthcare to our laws and finances, is influenced and dependent on the political systems that rule and the leaders we elect. Regardless of where you’re at on the political spectrum, it’s easier to become engaged and informed when you know more. So much so that, in a way, our civic duty begins with listening. So, whether you’re a newbie in certain politics and need to learn more, or you’re a curious political pro, our political audiobooks are nonfiction creations that throw a spotlight on all parts of our democratic processes and those of the world around us. Political audiobooks give us enlightening glimpses into how the world’s governments, monarchies, political scandals, and military strategy really work. Political texts often enlighten the public on the strategy behind specific political moves and lighten the dark corners of politics we don't often see. Lastly, if you’re fascinated by topics like international relations, political ideologies, globalization, geopolitics, and political history, we carry an extensive array of related audiobooks that dig into and expose all of those subjects and more. Many of the most fascinating bestsellers are penned by many well-known political figures, analysts, and journalists. Learn more about these exciting topics and more by choosing from our selection of political audiobooks today.